Imposter Syndrome
Most people suffer from Imposter Syndrome.
According to this article by Alexandra Benisek on WebMD, "one study found that
Happy Halloween!!!
This is my favorite holiday!
On Halloween, we get to take off the masks we wear every day and put
Wants and Needs
Characters are the most important aspect of any story.
Without characters, a story is just plot. Interesting things happening to
Pain Fuels Art
Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Some end the way you expect. They are full of
Hello, everyone! I've been absent, as you know, but for good reasons!
Figuring it Out
Launching this website has been easy, but there are still some things I need to figure out.
In the coming
5 Things to Consider When Creating Characters
5 Things to Consider When Creating Characters
This is Confessions of a Writing Freak, your one-stop-blog for all things craft related!
If you want to know a